We're winding down. Glad for it. Glad to see the sun. Glad to be able to keep trying no matter the outcome.
My day-job at MOSES (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service) coworker Lauren and I visited the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro, MN, last week. It's so beautiful down there. We had to take a detour because a bridge was washed out. And often the river was almost even next to the road. So. much. water.
Wearing that same MOSES hat, I am helping to plan a conference for beginning farmers in October called the New Farmer U. It's going to be so great. Tell anyone who might be interested. $125 covers 10 workshops, 3 ask-the-expert sessions, a farmer panel, AND lodging and food. It's at Eagle Bluff, a beautiful, wonder-full place. Third weekend in October. So... farm life is winding down, off-farm life is winding up.
Turn your face to the sun and breathe the crisp fall air and just be well.
And so it goes for many, many farmers trying to make a living and life.
Only blue skies shine on HPF. :)
Finished products for our dear CS-YAY members, and the beautiful leftovers.
Bunny and the cool dude. That should be a band name.
We've had plans for a clothesline all year. We finally just strung a rope from two trees and it works just fine.
Seems like a metaphor for other things around here. As we settle in over here on this huge-to-us 16-acres, there is so, so much to be done. We plan, and have the best intentions, and sometimes, you just have to string a rope and call it good. Makin' do.
This is my second to last reminder of our party in a week and a half. Please come. Saturday, Oct. 8th. We...dare I say...might actually have some flowers for you to pick. Eeee. Now that the sun has chosen to shine a few times, the flowers are growing and blooming again, a bit.
Turn your face to the sun and breathe the crisp fall air and just be well.
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