Thursday, September 29, 2016

We're winding down. Glad for it. Glad to see the sun. Glad to be able to keep trying no matter the outcome.

My day-job at MOSES (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service) coworker Lauren and I visited the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro, MN, last week. It's so beautiful down there. We had to take a detour because a bridge was washed out. And often the river was almost even next to the road. So. much. water. 

Wearing that same MOSES hat, I am helping to plan a conference for beginning farmers in October called the New Farmer U. It's going to be so great. Tell anyone who might be interested. $125 covers 10 workshops, 3 ask-the-expert sessions, a farmer panel, AND lodging and food. It's at Eagle Bluff, a beautiful, wonder-full place. Third weekend in October. So... farm life is winding down, off-farm life is winding up.

And so it goes for many, many farmers trying to make a living and life.

Only blue skies shine on HPF. :)


Finished products for our dear CS-YAY members, and the beautiful leftovers.


Bunny and the cool dude. That should be a band name.

We've had plans for a clothesline all year. We finally just strung a rope from two trees and it works just fine.

Seems like a metaphor for other things around here. As we settle in over here on this huge-to-us 16-acres, there is so, so much to be done. We plan, and have the best intentions, and sometimes, you just have to string a rope and call it good. Makin' do.

This is my second to last reminder of our party in a week and a half. Please come. Saturday, Oct. 8th. We...dare I say...might actually have some flowers for you to pick. Eeee. Now that the sun has chosen to shine a few times, the flowers are growing and blooming again, a bit. 

Turn your face to the sun and breathe the crisp fall air and just be well.



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