Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hello, hello! It's week 30 and counting. The routine feels a bit more comfortable...

This was last Friday's misty early morning after the boys had left on deliveries and mama had a quiet moment to just stand there and look and breathe. And take a photo to share, of course. See the waning full buck moon?

This was them pulling out into the sunrise for the day's deliveries.

This is how we work in the fields as a family on weekends. E in his toolbelt, cowboy boots and hat, and with watermelon in abundance to help lengthen our attention span.

This is our trusty (sort of) harvest vehicle on loan from our friend Susan. Invaluable...when it starts.

These fields are amazing and overwhelming. It's that time when there's just not enough time in the day, and you just have the call it, turn off the headlamp and go to bed.

The celosia and the zinnias especially have been going crazy with the heat and rain. It's so fun.

I'm already planning for next year in my mind. Is that crazy? But it's what we do, learn from each year and try to apply it to the next. Now that we have a better idea of what we're dealing with over here on this new ground, I feel more able to plan appropriately, and we're expanding our exciting.

We're having a harvest party on October 8. Please come and see where we're at! I'm working on growing some fast pumpkins so you can take one with you, we'll see how it goes. 

Thanks for all you do so that we can grow flowers and food. We do love it.


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