Hiya friends! Happy December from your Humble Pie farmers! We took this right before it snowed a couple of Sundays ago. We're so glad for snow and cold to bed and rest the ground and prepare it for next year. The cold kills the bad bugs, and rests the ground for new growth in spring, and the snow cover protects it and provides necessary moisture. So nice to let it all sleep and rest.
Your Humble Pie farmers been working on a few little things like...getting ready to sell some starter plants next spring. Humble Pie flowers and veggie plants will be at a select few co-ops near you in May! Fun!
And...growing more flower varieties and quantities than ever before. Eeee!
And there will be food, always food. We love the flowers, but will always want to participate in growing good food for our community and ourselves. Flowers for mental health and food for physical health.
We also have some big exciting changes coming up at HPF. We're all in next year, folks. As of April 1, both Mike and Jennifer will be on the farm mostly full time. We're going to get so much done. Never before have we been able to work together most of the time on our farm business; one of us has always had another full time job. We'll still have part time gigs to supplement income, especially in winter, but you guys, we're so excited to make this leap. And nervous as the dickens of course, but we firmly believe in living the good life. Following hearts and dreams, with practicality of course, but just doing it. So here we go.
We're ordering seeds this week for it all, and will fire up the greenhouse in mid-February.
Hey friends, happy happy holiday season to you! December can be hard with all the expectations and the darkness, among other things. We feel it too, and just really wish you and yours love and moments of quiet peace. The light is returning, and this year we just feel the need to go deeper and simpler. Love hard and work hard and let go of what is not needed.
Mr. Fred Rodgers said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”
We want to find more ways to be helpers this year.
Thanks always for your support...looking forward to light, flowers and food soon.
Be well,
J,M,E <3