Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hello, dear HPF friends! Sometime in the next few days I will circle the farm with our camera to show you all the beautiful exciting growth around here. We're about a week away from harvesting flowers! Eeeyikes! It's early, but so exciting! Especially after the light, steady rain all day yesterday, and the warmth and sun today, the plants are exploding with growth.

For now, we'll share these beautiful children and their parents who joined us for our Flower Children's Garden Planting Day. It was so fun, and we had a lovely day. 

Our blank canvas

Presenting: the Flower Children's Garden!
Earl and I ran through the sprinkler a bit afterward while we admired the finished work. Can't wait until July. It'll be so beautiful.

Thanks to the parents and children, and Emily. It was a lovely day.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Whew, it's been a busy coupla' weeks. Goodness gracious. We weren't planning on tripling our sales this season AND figuring out our whole entire future, but quite often things don't go as we plan. And they go even better than what we planned. We'll see how it all shakes out, but just know that we're working really hard to make sure we're growing flowers for many years to come. 

More on our whole entire future soon. For now, we have so many flowers in the ground! In the hoop house, in the field, in the other field. It's so exciting! Emily and I have been rocking out some serious transplanting, and we harvested tulips all week. They're short-stemmed, but so pretty and we brought them to our promised co-ops, and the Birchwood. 

I was concerned about the short stems, but went to an upscale grocery in the city today and they have petite bouquets and mason jar bouquets. :) I said to Mike, "I'll make them some petite bouquets!" Anyway, it was just so awesome to see our buyers. LOVE my job.

Little craspedia plants, or billy balls in the landscape fabric.
Dianthus and snaps in the field. 
 Rudebeckia or black-eyed susan.

These are the tulips we lost. They were too short, and we just let them go. Abba is the variety. They looked awfully pretty in the field. 

The hoop house is rockin! It's amazing how much taller flowers get, and how much faster they grow. 


Lavender, tulips and happy chickens.

Field planting.

Sunny Alley!

Emily is proving to be a really solid addition to our team. We're so happy to have her. She also does marketing for Spiral Natural Foods Co-op in Hastings, and a number of other really cool things. You'll hear from her soon, as she's agreed to guest-blog. Yay!

The rain was also so awesome. A perfect soaker. We could use a few more just like it. Earl and I put on our slickers and went for a walk, but ended up in the tractor shed. Sigh. He just loves them so much. I'm glad he's focused. 

Have a wonderful week! Happy Mother's Day to all!
