Hello, dear friends! It's been a great week of scramble to the harvest starting line. Last minute things like shoring up packaging and buying a delivery vehicle (stay tuned for the Mystery Machine:). Okay, these shouldn't really be last minute-ers, but we've been a little busy figuring out next year too. Anyway, we have a few UPS trips coming to our little farm in the next week, and we'll go up to King Cargo to pick up the van in the next few days. We're on the brink of flowers, flowers, flowers, everywhere!
We've harvested a few snaps and pops out of the hoop house for delivery to the Birchwood, Seward and Wedge Co-ops this week. Whole Foods, CSA members and others, next. Yeehaw!
The field flowers are finding their roots and the sun and rain of these days will serve them well as they begin to take off.
The celosia kind of hated the 36 and 38 degree nights in the field, but most of them toughed it out and they're rallying.
Oooh the bells of ireland! So beautiful.
Perennial phlox next to the road. Love it.
Cover crop rye in the field.
GOE's sweet corn is just peeking its delicious little heads out of the rich soil.
Sunnies to harvest in the next couple of weeks.
Hope you're enjoying the firsts of June. We are savoring these beautiful crisp mornings and light days. I love the beginning of summer with its light spring greens and tender leaves. Each part has its own charm, but beginnings of things are so new and sweet. There's so much anticipation in the possibilities.
Be well, take deep breaths and pauses, and look for flowers all around in the next couple of weeks. :)